Industrial heaters for commercial buildings
Our range of industrial heaters are specially selected to avoid using excessive energy. They meet all current standards.
If you need to heat a warehouse, factory or industrial unit then this page will be of interest to you. Read on to learn more about the solutions offered by Briggs Burners.
Types of industrial heaters
You can choose from a wide range of equipment.
- Boilers
- Burners
- Floor standing warm air heaters
- Suspended warm air heaters
- Radiant heaters
- Process heating
- Destratification fans
Not sure what you need? No problem, our experienced heating engineers can arrange a free site visit to assess your premises and discuss what you want to achieve. We’ll then put a proposal together that will heat your building in the most cost effective, efficient and environmentally friendly way. We will supply the right product for the right job.
Call 0800 279 0023 or email to arrange a site visit.
Many of our customers also ask us to service their system on a yearly basis as required by the Gas Safety Regulations. This keeps it running efficiently and safely. Simply let our engineer know you’d like a yearly service and we’ll arrange this for you.
Spare parts from commercial heating suppliers
Briggs Burners are agents for Riello, Powrmatic, and Kromschroder leading manufacturers in heating products. As agents we stock parts for these brands and are experienced with their product ranges. Call 0800 279 0023 or email to order spare parts.
We can also happily source form many other suppliers, including:
- Ambirad
- Winter Warm
- Combat Heaters
- Spaceray
- Black Heat
- Andrew’s Water Heaters
- Ideal Boilers
- NuWay
- Weishaupt
- Lanemark
Flexible fuel options
There are a range of options available when it comes to what fuel you want your heaters to run on, be it oil, natural gas or LPG.
We also include a range of wood burning heaters, which are perfectly suited to sites where there is a source of scrap wood (even broken pallets can be used!) This makes running your heater exceptionally cost effective.
An example of how we helped one business
This is one example of many. If you’d like to hear more examples then please get in touch.
A client approached us with an 80,000 sq ft warehouse. Half of it was racked and heated by 8 high level gas fired unit heaters, supplemented by roof-mounted destratification fans.
In order to expand their business the client wanted to rack the remaining half of the warehouse and heat it in similar fashion.
They requested our heating engineers take a look at the project.
Adding further heaters and fans would indeed have achieved the objective of effectively heating the warehouse, but we felt we could offer a more efficient long term solution.
So here’s what we did.
We proposed removing the existing heaters and fans then replacing them with a single air rotation heater. The air rotation heater would be placed centrally on the front wall in the alleyway, between the two sets of racking. This proven system allows heated air to be distributed evenly, which gives an even temperature throughout the warehouse.
Energy usage was significantly reduced, despite the 24 hour operation. Plus further savings were made possible on servicing costs compared to the previous multiple heater and fan system.
Would you like Briggs Burners to upgrade your heating system?
Call us on 0800 279 023 or email
Types of industrial heaters
Boilers heat water and you then need to distribute the water to benefit from the heat. Briggs Burners can design and fit the required distribution system (pipework and heat emitters).
Burners are attached to a unit such as a boiler to heat the water or to a heater to give warm air.
Destratification fans
Science 101 says, air rises when it gets hot. That’s great, until it sits at the top of your factory heating nothing but your roof. A destratification fan helps to redistribute this hot air back down into your unit providing better comfort and saving on energy useage.
Floor standing heaters
Oil and gas fired cabinet heaters are floor mounted in larger areas and also have the capability of being ducted.
Suspended heaters
Oil and gas fired suspended heaters are ideal for sites where floor space is at a premium, such as warehouses with racking and fork trucks. Because they are suspended from the ceiling they can target a specific area or heat a large area without being an obstruction or being obstructed.
Radiant heaters
Radiant Heaters heat people and products and are ideal for creating different temperatures in different zones. With a quick heat up time they bring a high degree of flexibility and responsiveness.